by Michael Wise | Aug 9, 2022 | Accounts Receivable Management, Communications, Debt Collection, Digital Collections, Featured, Statements and Letters
STATEMENTS | 10 MIN READ Key Takeaways From ACA’s 2022 Convention & Expo Many of the initial Regulation F hurdles have been overcome, but everyone seems to be asking…”what now?” Many of the initial Regulation F compliance hurdles have been...
by Diana Sobari | Mar 4, 2022 | Accounts Receivable Management, Communications, Debt Collection, Digital Collections, Featured, Statements and Letters
STATEMENTS | 10 MIN READ Your Updated 2022 Tax Season Collection Strategy Playbook Tax season is here, and that means it’s time to fine-tune your collection strategy. Collection agencies and debt buyers are well aware that during this 8-10 week window, consumers...
by Michael Wise | Feb 11, 2022 | Accounts Receivable Management, Communications, Debt Collection, Digital Collections, Featured, Statements and Letters
STATEMENTS | 10 MIN READ What is Stealth Messaging or Ringless Voicemail Drops? Stealth messaging, or ringless voicemail drops, is a technology that bypasses a consumer’s mobile phone device to place a recorded audio message directly in their voicemail inbox. This...
by Michael Wise | Feb 9, 2022 | Accounts Receivable Management, Communications, Debt Collection, Digital Collections, Featured, IVR Payments, Online Payments, Payment Portals, Statements and Letters
STATEMENTS | 10 MIN READ Leveraging Self-Service, Convenience, and Automation to Maximize Collections Have you been considering adding a self-service portal to your business, but just aren’t sure where to start? Self-service, or digital collections, has moved...
by Michael Wise | Feb 5, 2020 | Accounts Receivable Management, Debt Collection, Digital Collections, Statements and Letters
DEBT COLLECTION PAYMENTS | 7 MIN READ 5 Tools to Maximize Debt Collection Revenue During the 2020 Tax Refund Season The IRS started accepting income tax returns on January 27, 2020. For the taxpayers who filed their returns at the end of January, tax refunds...
by Michael Wise | Feb 4, 2020 | Accounts Receivable Management, Communications, Debt Collection, Healthcare Billing, Online Payments, Revenue Cycle, Statements and Letters, Text Messaging
BILLING & PAYMENTSÂ | 5 MIN READ Make a Proactive Billing Strategy Your 2020 Resolution Written by Michael Wise Accounts receivable plays a crucial role in the long-term success of most businesses, yet few organizations take a hard look at their billing processes....