Easy Payment Now

Payments Online

Secure online payments with no setup. Low maintenance, low cost, and built for efficiency.

Instant Income

Accept payments 24/7 without complicated phone processes or waiting for mailed in checks.

Internal Processing

Get your own Credit/Debit card terminal and eChecks for in-office transactions.

Easy Management

Great tools like batch processing, check verification, transaction notifications, and more.

Why Wait?

Easy Payment Now makes accepting secure payments online simple, no set up required. You can start taking payments online the same day you sign up, without worrying about a monthly commitment or recurring monthly charges. Users can easily input their information and pay instantly through any method. Quick to set up, simple to use.

Low cost, low maintenance, designed to be secure and efficient.

Get Paid Instantly.

No waiting for payments to show up in the mail. No time spent on the phone laboring to process cards and checks. Instead, enable your customers to pay any amount, at any time, though any method, and from any location. Simultaneously increase customer satisfaction and collect payments faster.

Sign-up is easy. Fill out a secure form and, once your information is reviewed and approved, you’ll receive your customer payment site address and back office logins. Immediately begin to receive payments 24/7 and receive instant email notifications of every transaction made on your site.

Empowered Payment Processing.

Enable your businesses to process payments internally. With Easy Payment Now, your online back office includes a Credit/Debit Card terminal and eChecks for transactions made in your office.

All The Tools You Need.

With an Easy Payment Now customer payment site, your business will quickly see the benefits of getting paid faster. Receive instant email notifications of all transactions made on your site. Utilize tools like transaction reports, batch processing, check verifications, and recurring payments.

Want to know more?

Whether you’re looking to upgrade one part of your payment process or the whole enchilada, we can help!
