Intelligent Transfers
Stay In The Flow
Verify Calls
It's All Yours
Automatic Compliance
Only In America.

more Right Party Contacts to your top collectors day after day

Line Up Call After Call After Call.
Maximize each day by providing one revenue opportunity after another. Intelligent Transfers verifies Right Party Contacts (RPCs), filtering out answering machines, unanswered numbers, bad numbers, and dead ends. Verified calls go right to your top agents, so they can be productive all day long.
Make It Yours.
Instantly scale agents up or down. Add, change, and delete contacts. Decide who to call, who not to call, and when to call them. When you customize Intelligent Transfers information, you see real-time changes. We even send back result files with call outcomes, including the calls we filtered out, so you can intelligently track and refine your lists.

Revenue increase per collector
RPC calls transfered with proven script
Customizable for you
Acronym No More.
Secure File Delivery
All we need is a phone number, first name, and unique identifier. Files are securely uploaded to Intelligent Contacts—never to a
Calling Is Compliant
Make Sense Of Regulations