Lower Your Monthly Fees or Pay No Processing Fees At All
As a Tier 1, Class 1 PCI-DSS Certified provider, Intelligent Contacts offers competitive payment processing rates and provides free online tools that others charge thousands for. Our pricing is 100% transparent and ensures that our clients receive the best possible rates on over 1,600 different types of cards. No surprises, nothing hidden. We also offer 100% fee-free processing options where the end user pays, or customer, is charged instead of the merchant.
Need a Merchant Account?
Want to know more about No Cost Processing?
Transparent Pricing
Payments Anywhere
Fast and Secure
No Cost Processing
Open, Honest Pricing.
Intelligent Contacts offers extremely competitive payment processing rates and provides free online tools that others charge thousands for. Our pricing is 100% transparent and ensures that our clients receive the best possible rates on over 1,600 different types of cards. No surprises, nothing hidden.
Want to apply for a new Merchant Account?

of sales are lost by merchants who do not accept credit cards.

Card Payments: Now Limitless.
Click any of the icons below to explore the solution.
In Person
On The Phone
Online and Mobile
No-Stress Security
EMV Technology
PCI Certified P2PE Solution
Electronic Billing
With Intelligent Contacts’ No Cost Processing you’ll never pay merchant fees again. The cost of processing the transaction is transferred to the customer, giving you the full value of your services every time. You choose which types of payments it covers, what the fees are called, and how to receive your deposits. We handle the rest!